2.01.00 Newspapers
Newspapers, containing a maximum of 5 % of newspapers or advertisements
2.03 & 2.04 Lightly & Heavily printed white shavings
Lightly printed white shavings, coated or uncoated. Heavily printed white shavings, coated or uncoated.
2.05 Ordinary sorted office paper
Paper, as typically generated by offices, shredded or unshredded.
2.10.00 Bleached wood-free board with plastic layer
Unprinted bleached wood-free board
2.10.00 Bleached wood-free board with plastic layer (Copy)
Unprinted bleached wood-free board
2.13.00 Multigrade
A blend of coloured and white letters, coloured woodfree magazines and other woodfree papers and shavings.
2.14 Coloured log end tissue
Unused coloured tissue including soft cores.