PS 9 Over-issue news (OI or OIN)

Consists of unused, overrun newspapers printed on newsprint, or securely tied in bundles, containing not more than the normal percentage of rotogravure and colored sections.

Prohibitive materials none permitted
Outthrows plus prohibitives none permitted

EN 643 European system equivalent

2.02.00 Unsold newspapers not intended for deinking

Unsold newspapers, which may contain inserts originally circulated with the publication. No additional inserts allowed. Paper products not suitable for deinking are allowed.

Non-paper components max. 0.5 %
Total unwanted material max. 1 %

2.02.01 Unsold newspapers

Unsold newspapers, which may contain inserts originally circulated with the publication. No additional inserts allowed.

Non-paper components max. 0.5 %
Total unwanted material max. 1 %

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