PS 6 Old Newspaper
Consists of sorted newspapers and other acceptable papers as typically generated by voluntary collection and curbside collection programs.
Prohibitive materials may not exceed 2 %
Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 4 %
Other acceptable papers may not exceed 30 %
EN 643 European system equivalent
1.11.00 Sorted graphic paper for deinking
Sorted graphic paper, consisting of a minimum of 80 % newspapers and magazines. It has to contain at least 30 %
newspapers and 40 % magazines. Print products which are not suitable for deinking are limited to 1.5 %.
Non-paper components max. 0.5 %
Total unwanted material max. 2.5 %
PS 7 Regular news, de-ink quality (#7 ONP)
Consists of sorted, fresh newspapers, not sunburned, and other acceptable papers. This grade may contain magazines.
Prohibitive materials may not exceed 1%
Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 3%
Other acceptable papers may not exceed 20%
EN 643 European system equivalent
1.09.00 Newspapers and magazines
A mixture of newspapers and magazines (predominantly unsold) each of them with a minimum of 30 %.
Non-paper components max. 0.5 %
Total unwanted material max. 1 %
PS 8 Special news, de-ink quality (#8 ONP)
Consists of sorted, fresh newspapers, not sunburned, and other acceptable papers. This grade is to be relatively free from magazines and contain not more than the normal percentage of rotogravure and coloured sections.
Prohibitive materials may not exceed 1 %
Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2 %
Other acceptable papers may not exceed 10 %
PS 30 Hard white shavings (HWS)
Consists of shavings or sheets of unprinted, untreated white groundwood-free paper.
Prohibitive materials none permitted
Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed ½ of 1%
PS 31 Hard white envelope cuttings (HWEC)
Consists of groundwood-free cuttings, shavings or sheets of unprinted, untreated and uncoated white envelope paper.
Prohibitive materials none permitted
Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed ½ of 1%
2.01.00 Newspapers
Newspapers, containing a maximum of 5 % of newspapers or advertisements colored in the mass.
Non-paper components max. 0.5 %
Total unwanted material max. 1.5 %
Printed woodfree coated papers in sheets or trim.
Shredded, hogged or unshredded solid cores.
Clean used kraft sacks.
Unused boxes, sheets and shavings of corrugated board, with liners of kraft and/or testliner.