White newsprint
Shavings and sheets of white unprinted newsprint, free from magazine paper and glue.
Non-paper components max. 0.25 % Total unwanted material max. 0.5 %
White mechanical pulp-based paper
Shavings and sheets of white unprinted coated and uncoated mechanical pulp-based paper without glue.
Non-paper components max. 0.25 %
Total unwanted material max. 0.5 %
White coated mechanical pulp-based paper
Shavings and sheets of white unprinted mechanical pulp-based coated paper without glue.
Non-paper components max. 0.25 %
Total unwanted material max. 0.5 %
PS 24 White blank news (WBN)
Consists of unprinted cuttings and sheets of white newsprint or other uncoated white groundwood paper of similar quality.
Prohibitive materials none permitted
Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%
PS 26 Publication blanks (CPB)
Consists of unprinted cuttings or sheets of white coated or filled groundwood content paper.
Prohibitive materials none permitted
Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%
May be printed or unprinted and may be wet-strength or non wet-strength.
Consists of unused, overrun newspapers.
Including used plastic layered paper cups.
New cuttings of heavily printed white multiply board.New cuttings of lightly printed white multiply board.